yomo init
Generate a StreamFunction project.
yomo init [flags] project-name
: Set the name of the StreamFunction project.
ᐅ yomo init accumulator-func
⌛ Initializing the Stream Function...
✅ Congratulations! You have initialized the stream function successfully.
ᐅ cd accumulator-func
ᐅ exa -Tla
drwxr-xr-x@ - CC 16 Apr 20:39 .
.rw-r--r--@ 31 CC 16 Apr 20:39 ├── .env
.rw-r--r--@ 359 CC 16 Apr 20:39 └── app.go
cat app.go
will get:
package main
import (
// Handler will handle the raw bytes of data
func Handler(data []byte) (frame.Tag, []byte) {
fmt.Printf("sfn received %d bytes\n", len(data))
output := strings.ToUpper(string(data))
return frame.Tag(0x34), []byte(output)
// DataTags indicate the tags of data to observe
func DataTags() []frame.Tag {
return []frame.Tag{0x33}
Now, just execute yomo dev, it works!