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Getting Started


an open source Streaming Serverless Framework for building low-latency geo-distributed applications.

Getting Started

Install CLI

curl -fsSL "" | sh

Initialize a StreamFunction project

yomo init stateful-function

Build to .wasm

cd stateful-function
yomo build app.go
exa -Tla .
drwxr-xr-x@    - cc 16 Apr 21:58 .
.rw-r--r--@   31 cc 16 Apr 20:39 ├── .env
.rw-r--r--@  378 cc 16 Apr 21:23 ├── app.go
.rwxr-xr-x@ 191k cc 16 Apr 21:58 ├── sfn.wasm

Run StreamFunction with Public Zipper Test Service

yomo run sfn.wasm
ℹ️ YoMo Stream Function file: app.go
Create YoMo Stream Function instance...
YoMo Stream Function building...
Success! YoMo Stream Function build.
ℹ️   YoMo Stream Function is running...
ℹ️   Run: /Users/fanweixiao/tmp/accumulator-func/sfn.yomo
sfn received 58 bytes
sfn received 58 bytes
sfn received 59 bytes
sfn received 59 bytes
sfn received 59 bytes
sfn received 59 bytes
sfn received 59 bytes
sfn received 58 bytes

Press Ctrl-C to stop the StreamFunction.